Compendium is a collection of 100 songs compiled in an effort to work through emotions that can hold us captive. Singer-songwriter Louis Preston West has been creating this collection of music from 2002-2022 as a written record of the emotions encountered during a life that traversed Earth, Mind, and Heart. A link to play each song in Compendium is listed below for specific reference, listening, and reflection.

If you’d like to work more deeply with this body of material in an effort to free yourself from emotional stagnancy, trigger your inner wisdom, or simply find enjoyment, this entire collection of work has been compiled into a playlist. You are free to click the link below, shuffle the playlist, and start a journey to find PEACE. Or if you’d prefer a physical, more hands on approach to your journey, consider purchasing Compendium (with USB of Acoustic Audio Recordings) and the corresponding PEACE Deck to work with this material where and whenever you feel called.

May this Work provide healing, wisdom, and peace in the Soul of All!